InftyReader is OCR software to recognize scientific documents including mathematical formulae (STEM documents).
(*) E-born PDF is the PDF produced by authoring tools such as LaTeX system, MS Word, Adobe InDesign, etc. The PDF produced from image files are called Image PDF.
Personal Use License package: (English Edition, about 206MB) --- March 8, 2025
Enterprise License package: Edition, about 206MB) --- Oct. 1, 2024
What's new (Ver.
What's new (Ver.
For general information about InftyReader, please read "AboutInftyReaderE.txt" here.
What's the difference between the Enterprise edition and the personal use edition? Please read: "About InftyReader Enterprise".
License Update. The serial numbers of InftyReader ver.3.1 and 3.2 are valid for Ver.3.3, so all the users of Inftyreader ver.3.1 and 3.2 series can use the version 3.3 series without any additional cost.
Trial Use. To use InftyReader in the Trial Mode, please see AboutTrialUse.txt.
Remark. Please avoid using the file names and the path names including NON-ASCII characters as the input file for InftyReader.
You can get a serial number immediately after the payment on the purchase site above, and you can use it to activate InftyReader on your PC to start using InftyReader.
In case you wish to purchase with PaPal, please visit here.
Please note that you will receive the serial number within 2 business days after the payment with PaPal.
Below is the Introduction to InftyReader for blind users given by Prof. John Gardner (Oregon State University & ViewPlus Technology) at the ICCHP Summer University 2011.
To recognize image files:
InftyReader runs on Windows 10 and 11, on a PC equipped with at least 2GB free memory available for the application.
Then, the recognition results of the selected image files are saved into the file you specified by the "output document name". When you select a folder instead of files, all the image files in the folder of the specified file type (TIFF/GIF/PNG/BMP/PDF) are recognized and the results are output into the files having the name(s) of the folders.
If you set to check to the "Search Sub Folders" item under the "Option" menu, InftyReader recognizes all the image files in the subfolders of the selected folder. For example, if you select the folder "folder to" having the subfolder structure below,
and if you select the file type "IML" for the output file type, then, you will get the files "subfolder1.iml", "subfolder2.iml" in the folder "folder to". The recognition results of a.tif and b.tif (resp. c.tif and d.tif) are saved in the file subfolder1.iml (resp. subfolder2.iml, respectively).
If you select LaTeX as output file type, you will get "subfolder1.tex", "subfolder2.tex", and it is similar for other file types HR-TeX and XHTML.
InftyReader is usable under the following license agreement.
(1) You may not modify the software in any manner. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.
(2) You may not sell the software without making a formal agreement with Science Accessibility Net.
You may distribute the software only free of charge, without modifying the zip package of the software.
(3) The author shall have no obligation to correct errors and inconveniences of the software.
(4) The author shall not be responsible for any loss and damage caused by the use of the software.
(5) The license is limited to personal use, including the case purchased by an institution for the specified user. Shared use by a small
group member is also allowed. In the default setting, the number of pages recognizable by this
license is limited to 10000 pages per month. In case an institution uses the software to service several clients or to digitize huge numbers of volumes, please use the enterprise version, reading the page here: About Enterprise License. For more details, please contact us.
Any report about the software will be welcome.
Non-Profit Organization
Science Accessibility Net (sAccessNet)
e-mail: support"at" (Please replace "at" by @.)